My Abortion Story, An Open Letter to Emily Letts

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We have never met, but my wife and I just watched your abortion story video.

You invited us, and the world, into your story, so I thought I would invite you into mine.

While we may not have a lot in common, I know we have at least a few things, and they have to do with abortion. When I was 19 I got a friend pregnant. I too “wasn’t ready for a baby.” I had hopes and dreams ahead of me, and having a child seemed like the end of all those dreams. So we aborted our child.

Now, I am a man, so in some very significant ways my abortion experience was different than yours. But in many other ways, it was the same. You see, when our procedure was over, I too felt relief. I felt free to begin life again and make smarter choices. I could get a fresh start, and in many ways I did.

But what haunted me in the months and years afterwards was a reality similar to what you expressed in your video, “I feel in awe that I can make a baby, that I can make a life.” That was what I couldn’t escape.

I had been part of creating a life.

And then I had been part of ending that life.

There was a heartbeat and I stopped it. There was life and I ended it. That reality was inescapable. I tried to ignore it, but there was nowhere to hide. My telltale heart beat louder and louder. I had loved my life so much that I had been willing to kill my own child to protect my happiness.

I never got to hear their laughter. Never got to lock eyes for the first time. Never saw their smile or cheered for their first steps or understood their first words. I never heard them read for the first time or endure their endless questions about why the world is the way it is. I missed all that, and so did they because I took my child’s life.

Emily, my child would be 17 today. We would be planning road trips to look at colleges. We would be looking forward to our last family vacation before they left home. I would be giving my final parental pep talk about working hard and looking for the right kind of spouse. But none of that is happening.

The fact is that I cannot undo what I’ve done in the past. None of us can. What’s done is done. The only hope we have is found in the sinless Son of God who came to rescue people who have lost their way.

He entered into our broken world and our broken lives to rescue us from our sins, including the sin of taking the life of the children He gave to us. That’s why He died on the cross of Calvary, to take the judgment sinners like us deserve.

Emily, someday the YouTube hits will stop. Your supporters will put away their pom-poms and your opponents will put away their pitchforks. And my prayer for you is that when you can’t escape the haunting reality of what you’ve done, you will turn to Jesus.

Emily, Jesus will heal your wounds if you cry out to Him (Matthew 11:28). There is no sin so great that He cannot forgive and no sin so small that does not need to be forgiven. If you will confess what you have done and turn to Him in faith, He will wash away all your guilt and all your shame (1 John 1:9).

The Lord gives these words to people like us, “Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Isaiah 1:18).

There is a place to go to be made new. I hope you will come and ask Jesus to turn your story into one where life is given. That’s what happened in my abortion story. Thanks for taking the time to listen.



Garrett Kell






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80 thoughts on “My Abortion Story, An Open Letter to Emily Letts

  1. Bethany

    Thank you so much for sharing your story, Emily’s was heartbreaking and she has no idea the grief that lies ahead of her. You’re honesty and sincerity were a blessing, thank you!

  2. Felicia Mitchell

    Thank you for sharing Garrett. I remember your story from COTW but not how much this experience has impacted your life since then. I have not, nor will I ever see this abortion video. I have never been blessed with children, although it was all I ever wanted. I guess it was not God’s plan for me. I still struggle with that and could not bear to watch the murder of an innocent life. It sounds like Emily has no idea of the gift she was blessed with but threw away. I will pray for her.

  3. Julie Biles

    Pain, grief and loss are common threads that link millions of lives if we will allow our selves to think, even if for only moments, what happened when we chose to end the life of our own child. Now, I grieve for Emily too: for surely she too will one day, stop celebrating death and reflect on this reality. May Jesus comfort her soul with the Gospel when that time comes. Thank you for presenting this hope!

  4. Sean Keeley

    Your response speaks to more than those who support abortion. It speaks to those of us who stand for life, and I felt my rage at the injustice slip away as I read your response to her story, giving way to compassion for the lost. I could not give an answer kinder than you have, and I hope that Ms. Letts reads and hears the words of life, that she will truly know what it means to be guilt free.

  5. The Brown Recluse

    I didn’t watch the video…I couldn’t. I read her comments, and I am heartbroken for her. I know the road she is going to travel, and it is not pretty. She will not even realize the root of her self-destructive behavior for years, if ever. The older she gets, the more it will haunt her, her child will become real to her, and the tears will come…one day. Hopefully, she will have Jesus to help her walk through the muck of learning to forgive herself. Sadly, tears will fall even after forgiveness.

  6. Whitney Breck

    Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with the world!
    I am the product of an accidental pregnancy but I thank the Lord that my birth mom was a Christian at heart from a young age and I was not aborted but turned over to Christian Homes.
    I am now married with 2 kids and thank God every day for the choice she made!

    1. Pare

      if you get in a abortion ralely think about it dont do it just because your boyfriend doesnt want the baby if you ralely want the baby you could have it its your decison not nobody else . For example my boyfriend once told me to get an abortion that it would be better because he wasnt ready to have another kid . i told him if you dont want the baby just leave because i do want my baby to be and dont need your support in anything i have my family that supports me i dont need a man to depent on i know am gonna be a teen mom and its gonna be hard be god gived me the most beautifull present in this whole wide world and am not just gonna have an abortion because your not ready to have another baby.Then he reject saying that to me and rigth know i have my baby with me and her daddy and he loves her alott. Any teen moms ralely think about an abortion its up to you nobaody else like i said just dont make a mistake and next thing you tell yourself i shouldnt of done it.

  7. David Gough

    Garrett, I am always blessed by your transparency and deep concern for the honor of Christ and His Gospel. Thank you for saying this before any of the rest of us had the opportunity to do so. Blessings, Brother!

  8. Davy @ The Sea of TTC

    As someone in the midst of infertility, I am saddened by the lack of amazement toward new life. Conception is a miracle every time. It is not a given. There are so many people like me who want nothing more than what Emily had. In fact, many of us would have been happy to adopt her baby.

    While anger may be an appropriate response, I am grieved for Emily. I’m not sure that she realizes the impact the abortion will have on her life. Thank you for speaking truth in love to her in your open letter. She needs that and the Gospel more than anything else.

    1. sandy

      Adoption is an option. I couldn’t conceive, and God gave me two blessings from over-seas. I felt guilty that in my selfishness of wanting to experience motherhood as society has taught us, my husband suggested it. It took time to let it go. Right after receiving our second child, I found I was pregnant and she followed right after the other two. I can tell you, there is no difference whether they grow under your heart or in it. God bless.

  9. Davy S

    As someone in the midst of infertility, I am saddened by the lack of amazement toward new life. Conception is a miracle every time. It is not a given. There are so many people like me who want nothing more than what Emily had. In fact, many of us would have been happy to adopt her baby.

    While anger may be an appropriate response, I am grieved for Emily. I’m not sure that she realizes the impact the abortion will have on her life. Thank you for speaking truth in love to her in your open letter.

  10. Lisa

    I read a lot of the comments others made on Youtube where her video is posted regarding her abortion. There were 2 sides commenting, those who would cheer her on and support her right to end her child’s life and the other side, calling her names, judging her, wishing her dead, etc. Thank you for your heartfelt reach out to this young woman. If Christians continually attack those who do not live up to our standards, we will continue to alienate the lost world around us and lose our voices with those who are lost. I, personally, am going to pray for her heart that God draw her heart to His, that he would reveal her heart to her and her need for a savior, that she would be repentant and no that she can be loved unconditional by God and by the Christian community. It’s more sad to me for those who call themselves Christians to spew hateful language and curse words, than for what she has done. They should react in such a way that would reflect the love God has for us….”that none would perish but have everlasting life.” Thank you, I think you did just that!

    1. Sue

      Grief and loved poured out. Emptied basin. Washed over. Filled with the love that only our Abba Father can show through Christ.

  11. Missy @ Dot-to-Dot Connections

    This the best response to Ms. Lett’s abortion video that I have seen! I tried to watch the video myself, but didn’t get very far. It was too sad. I know people who have had abortions. People who felt relieved to get rid of the “problem” at the time, but who, like you, suffered for it later. People like Ms. Lett need our prayers and our love, not our anger. Some day she will regret her decision, but she has put her ridiculous video out there for the world to see and even if she does repent, that video that has now gone viral will always be a haunting reminder of her mistake. I pray too that she will find Jesus and the healing she needs, because whether she knows it or not, she does need His love and healing! But that’s what Jesus came to earth for, to save people like me and you and Ms. Lett! And I’m so thankful He did and that you and I have found that forgiveness and can share it with others 🙂

  12. Casey

    Thank you for your response. My first reaction was rage towards this woman but you brought me back down. She is a non-believer so I cannot expect her to act any differently, and as a believer I have to extend her love, mercy, and compassion b/c it was extended to me. I was no different than Emily. Prayers for her.

  13. Marya

    I know the place she works. I drive by there often with deep regret and sorrow. I thank the Lord continually for His Grace and Mercy in my life. That he laid down his life so that I may be forgiven. This young lady has no idea of the pain that will come to follow. The reminder when that date comes around. The thoughts of what life would look like.
    I also pray that as she gets older she will come to know Christ. I can’t imagine living with this without knowing the forgiveness of the the Savior. Don’t get me wrong, I live with a sadness about my decision but I live in God’s forgiveness.

  14. Pingback: To Emily Letts | The Girl from the Other Side....

  15. Jack

    Truth be told though, do you think you would ever have been the successful pastor you are today if you did today have a 17 yr. old child from a previous relationship? I’ve never seen that in the church, ever.

    1. garrettk Post author

      Jack, thanks for your comment and question. I can’t say what life would look like if I had chosen to let my child live. If I (now) was able to give myself (then) advice I would say that God will be faithful to guide provide and protect and that I should trust Him and keep the child. Life would have looked differently, but He would cared for me amd my child and his or her mother.

      And regarding having a child from a previous relationship and serving as a pastor, I don’t think, nor would most Christians I know, think that would disqualify someone from any kind of service in the church. It has been 17 years since that season and there has been much repentance since that day. God only uses sinners to do His work, so i trust He would still use me in a way that would be pleasing to Him. That doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences for things we do. But our rule should always be to trust God and allow him to handle the consequences. Hope that helps.

      1. Kristy

        I too Garrett found myself a Christian at the age of 19, pregnant, a sophomore in college with so much ahead of me. My now husband and I decided to end my pregnancy out of fear and selfishness. I did not want to disappoint my parents and be an embarrassment to them. There is not a day that goes by that I wish I could rewind my life and make a different decision. My sweet child would be 21 and because of my sinfulness and selfishness I have missed everything. I know my Lord and Saviour has forgiven me and I’m so greatful for His grace and mercy. I think as Christians we need to LOVE and not judge. To offer support. I hope that someday I can use my abortion to minister to others. God says we have to LOVE and I believe as Christians we have forgot how to love. We feel that we are righteous and better than others, therefore we place judgement on unbelievers. This is so sad to me. After all even as Christians we sin daily. Abortion is wrong, homosexuality is wrong, abuse is wrong, but so is lying, cheating, stealing, gossiping, profane language, pride, and list goes on and on. In God’s eyes sin is sin. So as Christians lets LOVE and not condemn.

  16. Nick Cee

    I’m from CT and worked with a man years back who’s life was destroyed by abortion. At 20 years old, the girl he was dating got pregnant and had the abortion all without telling him. She told him the doctor was reluctant to do it because it was a perfect pregnancy and perfect baby. An abortion doctor with a conscience, I guess? She went through with it and told him after. From 20 years until his death at 54, he led a tormented life because of this. I wish I was adding the following for drama but I am not: Every year, he would buy a cake, sit in front of the abortion clinic in his car, blow out the correct number of candles and cry for hours. Can you imagine? I asked him to please stop and let go but he could not. He could only think of the fact that he did not protect his child even though he did nothing wrong. So very, very sad and an example of what many men go though when their girlfriends/wives murder their unborn children.

    1. Martha

      I would recommend a fiction book by Karen Kingsbury that I just read entitled: Shades of Blue. It’s available for a song from I had an abortion at age 22, and finally went through a healing Bible class at a local pregnancy resource center which severed the anvil I was carrying around. I would also recommend a website, Silent No More- and there is help for this man at the local pregnancy resource center. Abortion messes everyone up. The Lord is so gracious and merciful.

  17. MissesAwesome

    This is beautiful, Garret! I too pray that someday something wonderful comes out of her abortion story. Whether it be Emily seeking Jesus, others coming to Christ, or perhaps preventing even just one girl from making the haunting mistake that is abortion.

    Thank you for your open letter. I am definitely going to be sharing this.

    God Bless!

  18. MissesAwesome

    This is beautiful, Garret! I too pray that someday something wonderful comes out of her abortion story. Whether it be Emily seeking Jesus, others coming to Christ, or perhaps preventing even just one girl from making the haunting mistake that is abortion.

    Thank you for your open letter. I am definitely going to be sharing this.

    God Bless! 🙂

  19. IM

    This is a very touching letter. I agree with the spirit of it.
    However, I would like to point something out. I myself don’t believe in God. However, I believe abortion is wrong. I do know right from wrong even though I do not believe in God.
    Someone commented that this woman was able to have the abortion because she is not a Christian (implying that if you don’t believe in God, you don’t know right from wrong).
    I think she simply does not understand what she has done. I don’t know if she ever will.

    1. garrettk Post author

      Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement. I agree with your conclusions, but I am interested to hear more about why you think abortion is wrong. If there is no God, what do you look to as your moral standard? This is an honest question, and I appreciate the dialogue. I am also happy to chat on the phone if you would prefer. Thanks again for taking the time to share your comment.

  20. Emily

    Thank you so much for sharing your story, Garrett. Your response shares the truth with love. Praying for you, and for Emily.

  21. mindy

    Beautifully written with grace. A breath of fresh air. I wept for the loss of Emily’s baby. Praying for her and others struggling with their past abortions that they be drawn into the loving arms of Christ

  22. Pingback: My Abortion Story, An Open Letter to Emily Letts »

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  25. Dallen Privat

    It’s really horrible to take away an innocent child’s life. May Jesus open her spiritual’eyes that she could embrace His forgiveness and love.
    We as christians,have this responsability of praying for people who are still in darkness,we are called to be light.
    So let’s not judge Emily,but only prayers are needed.
    For those around her,show her love and kindness.
    Too many thanks for this post and sharing your story,God bless you.

  26. Dallen Privat

    It’s really horrible to take away an innocent child’s life. May Jesus open her spiritual’eyes that she could embrace His forgiveness and love.
    We as christians,have this responsability of praying for people who are still in darkness,we are called to be light.
    So let’s not judge Emily,but only prayers are needed.
    For those around her,show her love and kindness.
    Too many thanks for this post and for sharing with us,it is very helpful,God bless you.

  27. Deborah

    2 Corinthians 5:10
    King James Version (KJV)
    10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

    No one is getting away with anything. God is a God of Justice, and if people truly understood that – then they’d think twice about doing their crimes. The church today is so apostate – selling people the fluffy Jesus forgive me, let me get away with it for free business. They have no idea what Jesus came to do. None. People just want a FREE ticket to sin and get away with it.

    1. garrettk Post author


      Thank you for taking the time to leave some thoughts. Were you accusing me of doing that in particular or just commenting on that reality in general? Jesus only comes for sinners, so yes, He does forgive those who come to Him. But that coming to Him in faith must be accompanied by believing repentance. Jesus only saves sinners, and forgiven sinners ought walk now with the aim of pleasing Him. Just because I was kind and gentle with Emily doesn’t mean I deny the severity of Christ or His message. Jesus was quite patient with sexual sinners, and was much more harsh with the religious self-righteous. I hope to show the same patience with people that He has with me. Hope this helps to clarify anything I left muddy. Have a blessed evening.


      1. Deborah

        Hi Garrett,

        No, it was just a general observation and thought. Can’t be personal because I don’t know you. :o)

    2. Ryan P

      Hi Deborah,
      I had to take a moment and gather myself before replying to your post. I have a hard time looking at the “comments” section of nearly any article or blog post. It’s sometimes not healthy for me to do so. There are so many deceived when it comes to religious topics, especially when it comes to what being a Christian is. I lose my mind over those who have some unbiblical superstition and yet throw the term “God” in where they’d like to and call it Christianity. I also struggle with liberal “Christianity,” where the Bible is interpreted (and usually disregarded) through the readers’ eyes and emotions. Lastly, I absolutely detest hate-filled self-righteousness masquerading as Christianity, it’s the worst.
      So reading your response crushed me. I was immediately frustrated. I’ve calmed down and will now respond. The Cross of Jesus is the greatest revelation of God’s justice that we have. His justice demands satisfaction. When He revealed Himself to Moses in Exodus 34 He said that He will “by no means leave the guilty unpunished.” This is right after He describes Himself as “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin.” Does that sound a little schizophrenic? Not when we look at the Cross, where God extinguishes His wrath for sinners in order show mercy to His enemies. Do you get that? Not one sin in the history of mankind will go unpunished. They will either be paid for by the criminal or by the perfect Son of God who came and dwelt among His enemies in order to lay down His life for whosoever would put their trust in Him and His perfect work. So those who the Lord reveals the Son to will be set apart and grow in holiness. They are born again in correlation to their repentance from unrighteousness (sin) and self-righteousness (sin). Their new life will be marked with affections for God and affections for others. So my question is, are you placing your faith in yourself or the spotless lamb? Are you trusting in your works? Do you believe the good news of Jesus? It’s your only hope. Otherwise you will suffer the wrath of God. Your life will be the ultimate slap in the Messiah’s face. You must stand before God blameless, spotless, flawless. His justice demands it, yet His mercy was solidified on the Cross of Christ all who trust in Him. So are you in need? Do you think others need Jesus, but not you? Do you think that God helps those who help themselves…or does this God of mercy help those incapable of helping themselves?
      Ephesians 2:4-10
      New American Standard Bible (NASB)
      4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.


      1. Peyton

        Ryan P. HALLELUJAH! Garrett, thank you so so much for your transparency. I shared your letter with my older children. I wanted them to hear your heart, that abortion is not a “quick or easy fix” but ripples for years.

    3. TBR

      Hi Deborah, I am just curious if you do not believe that Jesus truly and fully forgives our sins? If forgiven, do you think that, at the throne of God, we will still have to pay for our wrongs? Wouldn’t that make the cross unnecessary?

      God did set in place reaping and sowing…like the who murderer who goes to prison, reaping the consequences of his crime here on earth. But if he’s asked Jesus into his heart and repented he’ll go to Heaven. I can’t find in my Bible anywhere that tells me he’ll be punished all over again for forgiven sin. In fact, I did read where He removes our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west (Ps. 103). I’m thinking if you start walking east, you’ll never end up going west. That’s a pretty far way our sins are removed from us, as true, believing, forgiven Christians.

      I can only guess (and try not to judge) that the people who believe in a “fluffy Jesus” and only want a free ride are not saved, and will be judged accordingly, as will the preacher/teachers who deceive them.

      1. Deborah

        Yes, I believe that Jesus truly forgives us our sins. { But I think how we are viewing sins is different. } Otherwise we could not be saved. I may not be able to articulate the thoughts I am leaning towards in any great manner – since I am still coming to the understanding of them, however, I can see on one hand how the scriptures talk about forgiveness of sin and then it also talks about being recompensed for the deeds of the body on the other.

        I am currently thinking that there is a forgiveness of sins { this is where we are no longer under the bondage of sin, we become new creatures in Christ. } Being conformed to the image of Gods Son. Through Jesus our sins are broken from us and removed – freeing us up to walk as He did.

        Now that we are FREED and walk in His likeness, there is still the little issue of past sins committed. Additionally we also begin to produce good deeds. So we go through life with both. Good and Bad deeds being committed by the flesh.

        So when I see verses like 2 corinthians 5:10 – I understand now that while yes Christ breaks off all sin so that we can walk like Him, we have a remission of sin available, so that we are set free from sin. I also see that God is a God of justice and he is going to reward everyone according to their works.

        Jesus died so that we may be set free from sin in order for us to be reconciled back to the Father.

        NOT so we can do a sin and put it on Jesus’ tab. That part is not in the scripture. We all will be recompensed for our deeds in our bodies, whether for good or bad.

        1. garrettk Post author


          Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

          The Bible teaches that Jesus died for all our sins, past present, and future (1 Peter 3:18). So if we are in Christ we are forgiven, stand justified (declared right b/c of Christ’s righteousness), and are now being sanctified (progressively being transformed into the image of Jesus).

          So we are set free from sin (Romans 6), but we still do struggle with sin (Romans 7) while we await the day God will send His Son Jesus to complete the work He began.

          We do not ever pay for any of our sins. Jesus paid for them all on the cross and rose victoriously over them 3 days later. That is our great hope!

          Now, we are called to walk in the newness of life empowered by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 6, 8). Any sin that we commit as believers we can experience consequences for and we will hear about on the day of Judgment, but we will not in any way suffer for them. Will there be loss of rewards because of them? it seems that way, but there will be no sort of punishment for them. The 2 Cor. 5:10 verse you mention doesn’t teach that we will be judged for our sins, but highlights that we will give an account for how we lived as Christians and be rewarded accordingly on the last day. What that looks like, I trust no one would suspect to know. What we do know is that if we are in Christ, we will not EVER suffer God’s wrath for our sins because Jesus suffered it for us (1 Thess. 5:9).

          I hope this helps and gives you full confidence to rest in Christ for your salvation and for your sanctification.

          In Grace


        2. Ryan P

          Got ya Deborah, sorry for my tone in the first reply. You’re distinguishing between true salvation for those who put their trust in Jesus’ perfect life and sacrificial death alone for our right satnding alone and are given new life and a new heart, and cheap grace for people who trust in a baptism, sinner’s prayer, good deed, positive life, or whatever (other than Jesus). I hope you wallow in the truth that all Christians have been judged by God in Christ (justice) and received new life and right standing with God because Jesus gave us His righteousness (mercy). It’s wonderful news! Let’s tell everyone!

  28. Pingback: A “Selfie” Abortion, and What That Says…. | Apologia and the Occident

  29. Blackhawk

    My wife of 57 years and I have been blessed by God with 5 children , 18 grandchildren and 4 great children , all Angels from God. We can’t imagine one of them telling us that they even considered an abortion . We can’t believe any doctor , who vowed to protect life would ever even consider to abort a viable living life . The baby is alive from conception as a seed is a plant when planted. Being so the only thing that a loving God could do is to give them a soul so they could enter His kingdom . Humanity had once found joy into these lives but today they and doctors play God .I cant imagine the pain these small humans feel when ripped from the womb. 57 aborted lives so far have been ruthlessly killed . I wonder what God would or will do to those who dissapoint Him ??

  30. Ted R. Weiland

    There is nothing that any Christian would wish more for Ms. Letts than for her to come into a saved and thus forgiven relationship with Yahweh, God of the Bible, via the blood-atoning sacrifice and resurrection of Christ. That said, let’s not overlook that Ms. Letts and those who assisted in this procedure are murderers and that, according to Yahweh’s immutable moral law (Genesis 9:5-6, Exodus 21;14, Numbers 35:31-33), they are guilty of a capital crime.

    It should also be noted that the constitutional framers are likewise complicit in this and the millions of other infanticides committed here in America for having failed to establish government and society upon Yahweh’s triune moral law (His commandments, statutes, and judgments), including Exodus 21:22-23 and the ones above.

    “…3. Every problem America faces today can be traced back to the fact that the framers failed to expressly establish a government upon Yahweh’s immutable morality as codified in His commandments, statutes, and judgments. (Would infanticide and sodomy be tolerated, let alone financed by the government, if Yahweh’s perfect law and altogether righteous judgments were the law of the land? Would Islam be a looming threat to our peace and security if the First Amendment had been replaced with the First Commandment? Would Americans be in nearly as much debt if usury had been outlawed as a form of theft? Would crime be as rampant if “cruel and unusual punishment” had not been outlawed and criminals were instead punished with Yahweh’s altogether righteous judgments? Would we be on the fiscal cliff if we were taxed with a flat increase tax rather than a graduated income tax?)…” (For more, see our Featured Blog Article “5 Reasons the Constitution is Our Cutting-Edge Issue” at

    Also, not to be overlooked, this also means that anyone who promotes the Biblically seditious Constitution is also complicit in these murders.

    Find out how much you REALLY know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar of the site above and you’ll receive a FREE copy of an 85-page book that EXAMINES the Constitution by the Bible.

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  35. Dawn

    Amen, brother. I share the same story as you do, except I knew it was wrong and never felt ‘freedom,’ not even for a fleeting moment. Only in Him.

  36. Michelle

    As I watched the video, I kept thinking surely she won’t really go through with this, will she? It saddens me to think that there are people out there that don’t realize what they are giving up by having an abortion. Life is precious and not something to take for granted.

  37. R N

    A beautiful response that reflects the living grace and forgiveness that we have in a Savior that has truly come to “seek and save the lost”. Thanks for sharing both the tragic event in your life and the amazing place of healing and forgiveness that you found in the arms of Savior who paid the price for all our mistakes. This is the living testimony of salvation.

    May God continue to use your story to reach all of us, especially those who have walked the same path.

  38. TCherie

    Let me first say that I don’t support abortion at all.
    I don’t understand people who show anger towards someone who has had an abortion. What purpose does anger – after the fact – serve? Nothing will bring that baby back. Rather than be angry at a woman who has had an abortion, shift your focus and try to lovingly persuade a woman not to have an abortion.

    I must also applaud Garrett Kell for his response to Ms. Letts video. I have not watched it, and I am not sure I will. Garrett was able to share in the love of God abortion, from a side we too seldom hear from – the father. Thank you Garrett. God bless you.

  39. Jacqueline

    Anger is a natural response to injustice and violence. I think there will be something wrong with people if they want angry at what this woman did to her child. Now our anger won’t undo the evil that was done, but it is more than justified. I have equal parts anger and pity toward Emily, who traded something priceless and eternal (her child) for no gain, only pain. She thinks she is better off not considering her child, caring for her child, so she can pursue self-interest. But she will not get anything as valuable as what she discarded and she will suffer for that, even if she is unaware of what she threw away. I am sad for her, but still angry that she can do this, that she did it and people helped her do it.

  40. Barbara

    Dear Garrett,

    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I believe it is important for people to understand that abortion does not just affect the mother of the child. And it is wonderful that you came to forgiveness through Christ.

    My story is very different, but I would like to share it. I was 17 when I discovered that I was pregnant. My mom had once shared the book “They Weep On My Doorstep” with me, and at that time I saw Dr. Ruth Barnett as some sort of a hero. What a wonderful thing she was doing – providing abortions to young women so their lives wouldn’t be ruined! So, rather than turn to my parents, I called Dr. Barnett to ask for help. (Abortions were not legal in 1969.) She explained to me that she had cancer and that her hands were no longer steady. She suggested I fly to Spain where her associate could perform an abortion for me. (What part of “I’m 17 years old and my parents don’t know” did she not understand?) Then she said that she could do the abortion, but reminded me again that her hands were no longer steady and I needed to know there was a risk. She told me to think about it and then call her back.

    When I stepped out of that phone booth, something (or more likely Someone!) let me know in no uncertain terms that having an abortion was out of the question. I knew it was wrong. I KNEW it, although until that very moment I had believed that Dr. Barnett was a hero for “helping” all those women. I went home and told my parents – Mom first. She looked at me and said, “You’re having an abortion.” Then she called my dad downstairs and made me tell him. His reply: “I didn’t know you could be so stupid.” They agreed I was having an abortion. I cried and told them that I couldn’t and wouldn’t. Then I locked myself in my room, terrified that they would forcefully take me somewhere to have the abortion. I was so frightened that I wrapped tape around and around the lock on my door so they couldn’t get in. The subject of abortion was dropped, and I ended up marrying my childhood sweetheart. My parents shamed me and were ashamed of me until their first grandson was born. They loved him at first sight.

    It was difficult to walk that path alone. I didn’t know Jesus at the time, and there were no places for young pregnant and unmarried people to go back then. It would have been such a relief to have someone to love me and support me the way the pregnancy centers do now.

    I have never told this story to our oldest son. I would love for him to know how I fought for him, to give him life; but I would never want him to know that his grandparents wanted me to end his life.

    Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for listening to mine. May God bless you!

  41. Jen

    Thank you for taking the time to share your story, especially from a man’s perspective. What Satan meant for evil, God can turn into good. I hope your testimony speaks to others.

  42. Pingback: Abortion... MURDER of the innocent. - Stormfront

  43. Amber Harder Best

    Thank you for sharing your heart in just the way that Jesus would want it done. My father was scheduled to be aborted by a school teacher, no less. The birth father (later an AK State Senator) was willing to pay for it. At the last minute, she could not go through with the abortion and made the decision to allow an adoption. Daddy was adopted into a loving home in Alaska where he was taught to love Jesus. Daddy went on to develop an Aviation Program at LeTourneau University where he trained pilots who now are part of every mission organization that uses airplanes. What a legacy that was about to be extinguished! Of course, from my perspective, I would not be here if he had been aborted. I also, experienced the grief of infertility for many years, but now have 2 children of my own through great medical intervention. My heart breaks anew each time I hear of someone throwing away a precious child, when I so desperately wanted to be a parent. We started the adoption process and had to go through some very humiliating interviews to make sure we were “worthy” to adopt. While my head knew that it was wise on the part of the agencies, my heart rebelled at being judged while so many were throwing away their children, or were on drugs, or were… fill in the blank. Because of the abortion rate, it is hard to adopt a baby and the process for older children is so hard and expensive as well. I did learn much more about love in those years. Our family has experienced several sides of this issue and am so thankful for how God orchestrated our lives. I will continue to pray for those who will regret the choice of abortion here on earth or someday when they stand before The God of The Universe. Thankfully, when we give our hearts to Jesus, He makes beauty from ashes!

  44. Chris

    “How the faithful city has become a harlot, She who was full of justice! Righteousness once lodged in her, But now murderers.” Isaiah 1: 21.

    “Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” Hosea 4: 6.

  45. Chris Lee

    I post the following Scriptures as a comment and your “system” fires back and says I’m a “spammer” ? What’s up with that ??

    “How the faithful city has become a harlot, She who was full of justice! Righteousness once lodged in her, But now murderers.” Isaiah 1: 21.

    “Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” Hosea 4: 6.

  46. Evelyn

    I think its a perfect demonstration of empathizing with someone while still sharing you own experience and convictions.

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  48. becky bodnarchuk

    thank you so much Garrett.
    Such compassion, for Emily, your babes and even your own losses.
    Thank you so much sir, for a man’s perspective on abortion. Thank you for the tender merciful gracious perspective of our Creator King Savior Redeemer too.
    May He forgive us, His church, for our less than loving response to so many pro abortion supporters.
    he has lavished His mercy and grace on us. How can we do less to those who need forgiveness?

  49. Survivor

    I too had an abortion and tried to tell myself it was all for the best. I feel so sorry and sad for this young lady. Her sharing “her story” with the world and trying to tell everyone it’s OK is something I would have done too, to try and comfort myself, if the internet would have been around. Today my child waits in heaven for me and is 23. I look forward to rejoicing with him (or her) someday. It wasn’t until a support group called Healing Hearts that I finally was able to let go of my pain & shame. Thank you Jesus for your great mercy that truly does heal all the pain.

  50. Kristin

    This would be great if it weren’t for the religious talk at the end. You do not need Jesus to heal. In reality that turns people away. That’s also why people pigeonhole us pro-lifers as a bunch of religious bible-thumpers. Be compassionate without the religion. You don’t need it.

    1. Ryan P

      I’m sorry that you’re affiliated with us silly bible thumpers, Kristin. We’re simply individuals who have been brought to the belief that we have a Creator and that we are accountable to Him for what we do with the things that He has provided to us in this life. I don’t know what world view that you espouse but if you inspect deep enough you’ll probably have to decide whether or not your “pro-life” stance is consistent with your over all view of how and why the world exists. If there is no creator, or the creator of has not revealed themself to us, then no, we are not accountable. If so, we are all allowed to make this up as we go. You are the ultimate authority of right or wrong. So is the child molester, and the thief, and the terrorist, the liar, the gossip, the rapist, and the crazed gunman in the public facility. I wish you the best coping with this. You’ll have to dismiss terms like right and wrong or despicable or even wonderful. They’re subjective and whe looked at as a whole they disappear. However the God of scriptures shines bright in the balance of who He is and He’s explained who we are and what the issue is in His Word. This world and it’s occupants are broken. We are in a broken state in which we reject God in order to play god. In His great mercy, Jesus, the Son of God, came and lived as our representative, perfectly and suffered our due penalty. So God showed us mercy without violating His own righteous judgment (think about this for a moment). Jesus died and exhausted God’s wrath and took the penalty for us who have committed crimes against God. Like me, my penalty was paid and my pardon was granted by my Judge. Now the beef is gone, I know God. Seriously, I know Him. The mediator, Jesus, has brought me into relationship with the God of the universe.
      This may sound silly or primitive, but it’s much more rational than any other religion that I’ve examined and not nearly as absurd as the naturalism that floods our culture. I find it funny that most in our society push for tolerance or morality from some relative standard while they point fingers at others, in the process. That’s pretty self-righteous especially when they set their own standard of righteousness and dog others for doing the same. Scripture diagnoses us though. So, I urge you to do some searchin. Examine the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s the greatest truth of where the Hero dies for the villian. Matt Chandler is a great guy to listen to….there are many others as well.
      Just another beggar

  51. Teresa

    When Emily finally becomes a Mom (by choice) she will look at her children and think of the one she never met and she will have regrets. That is when her ‘CHOICE’ will really hit her and she will realize that ‘CHOICE’ really means innocent death. I pray for her and her soul.

  52. Pingback: A Response to Planned Parenthood’s “Pastoral Letter” | Garrett Kell

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